Legal Notice

The site is the property of the company SMARTECH JOB LLC.



2. The amount of the company's share capital: 20,000.00 MAD

3. The address of the company's head office: 2 RUE ESSANAOUBAR ETG 4 APT 12 C/O FIDUTRACO, CASABLANCA

4. Trade Register: 573551

5. Contact details:

    Email address:

    Phone number: 0674785513/0664976780

6. No. of declarations to the CNDP procedure in progress at CNDP

7. The I.C.E number: 003235846000058


The personal data collected within the framework of this site will be the subject of a declaration to the National Commission for the Control of Personal Data (the CNDP) as soon as the latter is installed in application of law 09-08 of February 18, 2009 relating to the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data. Users can obtain the necessary information for this purpose from this organization.

Intellectual property

The User may under no circumstances make use, without the prior written consent of the owner of the Piasat brand, of the content made available on the Website in order to (personal, private, non-collective and non-commercial right of consultation), in accordance with the provisions of articles 154 and 155 of law 17-97 relating to the Protection of Industrial Property (as amended and supplemented by law 31-05).

Changes to Legal Notices

These legal notices can be consulted online on the site. They may be modified without any other formality than posting a new modified version online, only this latest version being retained.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution hereof will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Casablanca, Moroccan law being applicable to the substance and procedure.

Usage Specifications

Using the Website for any illegal or prohibited purpose, and using it and its Content to violate the legitimate rights and interests of other organizations or individuals.

Commitment to Security and Privacy

We have implemented adequate security measures to prevent any accidental or unauthorized loss, use or consultation, alteration or disclosure of your personal data; Personal data collected within the framework of this site are subject to the application of law 09-08 of February 18, 2009 relating to the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data.

In addition, we restrict access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who need to know it to carry out their professional obligations. These people will only process your personal data on our instructions and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulatory authority of any breach in accordance with our legal obligations.

Personal data

The company SMARTECH JOB Sarl and the person responsible for processing your personal data undertake to strictly respect Moroccan legislation regarding the protection of personal data.

Use of Personal Data

When using our Services and placing orders, you agree to provide us with your email address, postal address and/or other contact information truthfully and accurately. You also agree that we may use this information to:

- Contact you as part of your order if necessary.

- Provide you with customer service, respond to questions and comments, and manage complaints or disputes.

- Get to know you better and recommend products and services adapted to your needs, while respecting applicable laws.

- Carry out research or statistical analyzes in order to improve the content and presentation of the platform.

- Share your personal data with third parties in order to deliver products purchased on the platform in accordance with the privacy and data protection terms and applicable law and in accordance with our instructions (process your personal data for specified purposes not for their own purposes)


A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that websites send to your browser and are stored on your computer or device when you visit certain websites. We use a number of different cookies on the website, including strictly necessary, performance, advertising and social media or content cookies.

Cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website, which helps us provide you with an improved browsing experience. We use cookies for the following purposes:

- Track user behavior to identify your preferences, cookies may be used to track pages visited, products viewed, searches performed and purchases made to provide more targeted offers.

- Analysis of website performance to improve its performance and overall user experience.

- Monitoring user behavior to send you commercial/advertising messages tailored to your interests.

Before cookies are placed on your computer or device, you will be prompted for your consent to their installation. This means that you can refuse to accept cookies such as tracking, advertising or analytics cookies, which are not necessary for the operation of the site but are used to collect user data.

However, strictly necessary cookies, such as session cookies, which are necessary for the operation of the site, cannot be deactivated, while respecting your choice and guaranteeing your right in accordance with the laws and regulations according to:

- In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

- In Morocco, law n°09-08 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

- In the United States, some state laws require user consent before placing certain types of cookies, such as advertising cookies.

>- To the African Union, the Convention on the Protection of Personal Data

- In Canada, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).